I'm also so thrilled to be included in the SNAG/RAD exhibit at Punch Gallery in Seattle. The Society of North American Goldsmith's is holding their yearly conference in Washington and the exhibition of rings is a fabulous honor for all of the RAD artists. Their were 16,000 rings made for the challenge last year and 365 were chosen for the display. 65 artists are represented in the show and four of my creations are included. Angela Crispin and Lorena Angulo of the metal clay world also have pieces in the exhibit. You can go here to view more photos of the gallery. Many of the artist's tagged their rings, so be sure to get to know all the wonderful people I played with last year.
Many Thanks to the curators - Shannon Conrad, Colleen Baran, Kathryn Cole, Nina Gibson, and Sara Westermark for the wonderful display. I love the way the rings were grouped and displayed. Thanks goes to Sarah Hood as well for all the auxiliary support, displays and SNAG liaison-ing.
I wasn't able to find my Paintbrush ring, but I'm sure it's hiding somewhere. Wish I were hiding there too. If any of you get to see the rings in person, please let us know just how fantabulous the exhibit is. It's at Punch Gallery until May 29, 2011.