I don't *do* Christmas. I have some leftover angst from childhood, I'm Jewish and there's not a lot of family left around my side of the world anymore. I celebrated Christmas when I was young. The Menorah was placed on a table right next to the tree, the tree was decorated to the nines and the Menorah was lit. It was especially beautiful when Chanukah overlapped Christmas and the light of the candles danced in the metallic gleam of the ornaments.
A few days ago I got a package that was marked "Do Not Open Until Xmas" from my cousins in the east. I'm thinking of moving to Richmond, Virginia in a couple of years and we had been talking about my coming out this December but life and personal schedules intervened. I was so surprised to see a box from them and couldn't begin to guess what was inside. I followed directions and waited until this morning to open it up. And when I did - just look what my eyes beheld! 11 individually wrapped prezzies!
I'm pretending that 8 of them are my Hanukah presents, two are stocking stuffers and one is the major Christmas bonanza.
I got the obligatory pair of adorable socks (which I already put on since my toes are fahreezing), business card sized monthly calendars (think I'll frame those) and there was even a miniature partridge in a pear tree drawing tablet. Well, there's not an actual pear tree, but the partridge is front and center. I can't express how delighted I am.
Ella is enjoying the rustle and crunch of my booty too! |
I was invited to go to my L.A. cousin Joan's house for dinner tonight, but my Grinchy self declined. I wonder if there's still room at the inn... I'll have breakfast, go to my usual Christmas morning movie (The King's Speech I think) and give her a call to see. Thanks to all my cousins, near and far for including me in your seasonal celebrations. And to Pat and Sal - Thanks for all my magical treasures!
Hope you all have a wonderful holiday celebration, no matter the holiday, no matter the circumstances. Enjoy the season!
So glad to hear your Grinchy self allowed Christmas in, you darling girl. Sending much love and happiness your way..... (And GO TO DINNER!)
Love to you and enjoy your Christmakkah!Very lovely blog!
This is such a great gift !!
I am happy for you, you have a family that loves you!
I agree with Susan ! Go to Dinner!!!!
All my love for you and a HUGE hug.
ditto : xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo !!!!
I see why you are considering Richmond ! What cool cousins !
What a wonderful gift to receive, regardless of the holiday you choose to celebrate! I love that partridge, how sweet :)
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