Friday, July 27, 2012

Weekend Eye Candy - Beach Edition

This is very probably the last Weekend Eye Candy that will be curated from my tiny studiolo in Venice, California. All of the images were found through a search for "beach". Notice the Venice boardwalk in the last row.

I'm almost finished packing up and saying goodbye, and taking a last look around this wonderful city.

I was born in Hollywood, and lived in the San Fernando Valley for the first 30 some-odd years of my life. The last 26 have been spent in Venice. It's a strange feeling to be getting ready to abandon the land of my birth, but the butterflies are beginning to stir at the promise of a new adventure.


Jennifer said...

Wishing you well in your new chapter!

Joan said...

Here's to the adventure of new things! I hope everything goes smoothly with the move and that you find fulfillment in your new home.

AdobeSol said...

Lora, Wishing you great experiences to come! Please keep us posted on how everything is going. You are a magnificent artist and wherever you go you'll bring light with you!

Lorena Angulo said...

My Lora, I am sure your new adventure will fill your heart with new memories and friends.
Sending you lots of kisses and the best for your new destination.
