Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Ultimate DIY

I'm telling you, there is just nothing more satisfying than looking at a photograph of something, and figuring out how to do it yourself. Which I did with this little, forged, finding. Did I say it was a friction fit, forged, finding? And it works!! It may not be very pretty right now - it's my first after all. But when I make 10 more, the last 5 are sure to be pretty fabulous!

It took one and a half inches of 16g sterling wire, and is just a touch
over a 1/2" long. If I could do it so can you. Try it!
Original by Donna Veverka

I don't like shepherd's hook type closures on a bracelet because I'm always afraid they'll come undone during the day. But to keep my pieces well priced, I don't want to make a box clasp either (not that I know how to). And I don't want to put a commercial finding on my handmade work. So I was looking around to see what other maker's use and came upon this one's Mama. Then I set about to figure it out, which wasn't really that difficult. While I got the beginning proportions wrong, the rest of the clasp was formed pretty easily.

I like it! And can say that I made it myself!!


Honey from the Bee said...

I've never seen one like that, but I love it!

Caroline said...

This is such a great idea Lora! Thanks for sharing!