Friday, April 24, 2009
Weekend Eye Candy - More Metal Clay Edition
1. Bronze, copper, silver metal clays - seamless ring, 2. Oak Island NC Beach Brooch, 3. SquareTheCircle STC003, 4. Here We Go Necklace, 5. bronzclay hollow beads pile , 6. wire wrapped ring, metal clay bead, 7. Bronze Clay Finger Helmet, 8. fan brooch, 9. Salt & Pepper, 10. Nautilus, 11. skypods, 12. Milagro Heart Created with fd's Flickr Toys.
Well, I'm off to Arrowmont tomorrow. Be back on Wednesday and hope to share some of my experiences on Thursday.
In honor of the conference, here are some more lovely metal clay pieces from around the world!
Be sure to see what tempted Paige and Christine's sweet tooth(s) and have a lovely weekend!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Crazy Busy!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Talkin 'bout my Edu-ca-tion
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Weekend Eye Candy - Enamel Edition
1. older enamel work, 2. caste, 3. rubygirl necklace, 4. Two Blue Enamel RIngs, 5. New piece. Enamel on copper, sterling, 6. sifting the enamel, well, right after I sifted the enamel, 7. Enamel, Quartz and Onyx Cocktail Ring, 8. Lucinda, 9. Sterling & Enamel Cuff, 10. cup ring stack, 11. Vintage Enamel Flowers, 12. Eddies#2_1 Created with fd's Flickr Toys.
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, and I was in the mood for a little color! Hope you have a bright and sunshiney weekend too - wherever you are in the world.
Be sure to check out Paige and Christine's Eye Candy too. They're really cool.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Welcome to the Carnival...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Drum Roll Please....

There were 84 comments and 15 second chance entries! Thank you all so much for visiting my shop and coming back to tell me which pieces you liked. Two Becomes One and the Paramour pendant seem to be the outstanding favorites. You all like the hearts - made by a Hart! ha ha.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Advice From The Blogoshere

Monday, April 13, 2009
A Well Deserved Second Post...

The Bower
Friday, April 10, 2009
Weekend Eye Candy - Easter/Passover Edition
1. rabbit run, 2. crafting 365 - day 48, 3. Broken Path series 700, 4. Brooch, 5. a mother's hands, 6. Wilford, 7. samiam, 8. goldfilled chicks, 9. Star of David, 10. Passover, 11. Fatima's Hand Ring (2008, IT) Ring 132.9, 12. Victorian Egg Created with fd's Flickr Toys.
Eggs are important in both the Easter and Passover traditions. In fact the Greek word for Easter is pascha, which is closely related to the Aramaic /Hebrew word pesach or Passover.
Because the eating of eggs was forbidden during Lent, they were brought to the table on Easter Day, coloured red to symbolize the Easter joy. This custom [probably has] its origin in [ancient pagan rites which] celebrated the return of spring. (1)
In the Jewish tradition, the roasted egg represents the Temple offerings and its burning reflects the loss at the Temple’s destruction. Although it is never eaten during the Seder, some believe that prosperity will follow the person who secures the egg after the ceremony. (2)
And of course the egg is universally considered one of spring's symbols of renewal, re birth and re generation.
I wish you all the spirit of these messages, no matter your beliefs. For me spring is a time to sweep away old, worn out habits; possessions or thought patterns - which in turn creates room for new growth; opportunities and sweetness. Celebrate the possibilities!
Be sure to check out my other two Eye Candy playmates Paige and Christine to see their lovely collections of treasures, and have a very sweet weekend.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Pimpin' My Shop

Boy, have I been busy. I decided to take a big plunge and dive into advertising. Can I afford it? No. Is my shop (and my production habits) ready for the potential custom? Maybe not. But Lora Hart Jewels has been open for a year and I've only had about 11 sales. Don't let the huge "14 sales" number on Etsy fool you. I've been doing a lot of trades lately and lowered certain prices to .20 so I could claim a few more purchases (don't tell anyone).

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Who'd a Thunk It!
• Leave a comment telling me what your favorite piece in my shop is. I really value your opinions because they help me to know which ones you particularly like (thanks in advance!).
• Bonus entries (help spread the word):
1. Blog about the giveaway
2. Befriend me on Facebook and tell all your other friends about the giveaway
• And to make it just a little more interesting (for me), come back and leave an additional comment when you blog or FB about the giveaway. That will let me track each of your entries (I wanna give credit where credit is due). Oh, and if you leave an anonymous comment, please be sure to include your name and e-mail addy or I won't be able to contact you!
I'll assign each entry a number and use a random number generator to pick the winner. No playing favorites. Party time starts today and ends next Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. Pacific time. Bon Chance! Party on!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Peep Show Monday

Friday, April 3, 2009
Weekend Eye Candy - Boxed Edition
1. Untitled, 2. Flash Drive Locket Inside, 3. Inro2, 4. *, 5. Kobe & Box lovin' 1, 6. *, 7. cattail necklace * container interior, 8. Pompadour Ring (2008/IT) Ring 126.8, 9. Ceremonial Illumination Vessel, 10. Corollarium argilla argenteum 6, 11. Flock Box black with brooch 700, 12. Custom Ring Created with fd's Flickr Toys.
Today is a new era for the Weekend Eye Candy posts. I'm being joined by Christine Street and Paige Litfin, who is premiering her blog this very week. Maggie Bergman is also starting a blog and will be an occasional participant.
I'm all involved in boxes lately, so I thought I'd continue the theme. When I was doing my search for "box" on Flickr, a surprising number of nesting kitties popped up! They were so sweet that I had to represent them. Have a great weekend!