Friday, January 30, 2009

Weekend Eye Candy - Patina Gallery Edition

All of these artists are featured at Patina Gallery in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I'm in love with that funky ring in the uppermost right corner, aren't you? The color is from acrylic paint!

These photos were all quickly taken as catalog pics so no names are on the titles, but if you click on the number-alpha designation it will take you to the shot in Flickr and you can see whose set it was taken from.

If you really want to have some fun this weekend, visit the Artist page and explore the work of everyone they represent.

Have a great weekend y'all.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Today's the Day!

Yesterday I had to go to Albuquerque for a funeral : { . It was a lovely service and we had a simply beautiful crisp and clear day. Seeing both of my cousins together was wonderful and a real treat - even given the circumstances. 

Ford Forlano Bracelets - image via SOFA

Since I had some time before my plane left we took the opportunity to visit Mariposa and IMEC (no website), two of the most wonderful galleries anywhere! I even got to try on a real Ford and Forlano bracelet!!! As beautiful as their work is in the magazines, it's even more amazing in person. And better still on my arm. (tee hee)

Golden Domes

Today is the MetalClay team's trunk show in the Gallery at Etsy. Don't forget to set your alarms for 7:00EST/4:00PST. You wouldn't want to miss it. Above is my contribution to the door prizes. Ain't they purdy?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Anticipation is Building...


The Etsy MetalClay team is having a virtual trunk show in two days!!!  There will be Valentine's themed quiz questions to go along with our 9, count 'em, 9 door prizes and tons of just lovely jewelry to drool over (and add to your collection).

Meet us in the Virtual Labs in the Gallery at 7:00 pm Eastern time/ 4:00 Pacific.  To get there just click on the Community button at the top of Etsy's home page.

See ya' Thursday January 29! Be there!  You'll never be square.    ;-)

Monday, January 26, 2009

One-A-Week in Black and White

Challenge winning cocktail dress by Laura Bennett

This week's challenge is based on a Project Runway that aired way back in 2006 - Season 3, Episode 10 to be exact. I sooo wish there was a You Tube of it, but alas. The best I could do was find a post from the blog Getting To Maybe. At least it outlines the general idea.

We're getting started a little late this week, so the finished designs are due next Monday. Gives me a bit of time to look around and see what I can dream up. There's already a wee glimmer of a thought in my mind. Something fiberesque... or not. We'll see.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Weekend Eye Candy - Pearl Edition

I was inspired my my own ring! Ha. I love pearls. I use them quite a lot and love seeing what others do with them. Enjoy these wonderful images of work by some very inventive artists! Have a lovely weekend.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

One Down....

Did it. Finished my first One A Week Jewelry Challenge project. And I really love the way it turned out.  The challenge was to use elements that were already in your home.  Not hard for me since that's where my studiolo is, but jewelry supplies didn't seem to fit the spirit of the challenge.

I used a pine cone decoration from my Christmas wreath, a piece of a coke bottle that I bought at a bead show 4 years ago and had forgotten about and a pearl. There are some step photos on Flickr for the curious ones in the audience. Too bad there's already a 500 Rings book.  I'd enter this for sure.

Be sure to check out Mike's, Rachelle'sLaura Crawford's and Alisa Miller's versions of the Wall To Wall Challenge.  I'm loving this little game so far.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Wanna Play Too!!!

Last year while I was in the midst of my foot recovery I discovered Kait Schott's blog. Kait was taking part in a fabulous One-A-Week jewelry making challenge based on the Project Runway show. I'd never seen the show (still haven't - don't have cable) but the challenge was so intriguing. It was the brain child of Annie of Imogene and many jewelry makers took part. Kait documented the project on her blog and it's fascinating reading.

Anyway, two weeks ago Alisa Miller decided to get it going again. Since I was without the computer for a week, and didn't bother reading my blog list for an additional week - I just found out about it yesterday. They've already done the first challenge and the second is due tomorrow, but I'm feeling pretty gung ho. I've already started in fact and hope to be done late today or sometime tomorrow or Friday at the latest.

It seems like it'll be sooo much fun! Be sure to check in every week on Thursday to see what I've come up with!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

I keep forgetting....

Boy, I had so much to do today and was so proud of myself for getting all of my odds and ends together before leaving the house at 10 a.m.

1. Compile bank deposit
2. Fill out teaching invoice for Saturday's class
3. Pay bills
4. Make sure new bifocals are at the mail drop
5. Finish dry silver clay work in progress and fire so you can finish this afternoon.

DOH!!! It's Martin Luther King Day you silly girl! Banks aren't open. Neither is the college to drop off the paper work. And the mail drop is locked up tight. And you left the kiln at the Bead Company after Sunday's bronze clay class (So happy I decided to supplement the store's kiln. My students were sooo prolific).

Now what do I do with myself? I may just have to ... GASP... clean the kitchen and vacuum the carpet and take photos for Etsy... Bother!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Carnival's Back in Town

Image via SnappyChic

Step right this way... Each month a group of jewelry artists use their blogs to get together online to answer the same question - each in their own way.  The topic this month is:

What is your favorite publication?

Too hard.  Can I choose another topic? I love to read books. I love novels and research material and beautifully produced picture books and how-to teaching aids. I love 'em all. I guess the one book I'm loving most at the moment is still PMC Technic.  Wonderful information relayed in a way that's intriguing accompanied by major eye candy.  What could be better!

Unless it's my other favorite. The internet! Surprised? I also love Google. For the same reasons. I can find tutorials, videos of tutorials, more images that the L.A. library contains, great articles written by real human beings sharing real life experience via their personal blogs... it's endless. The internet certainly doesn't take the place of paper though. And I'd never read a novel online. There's nothing like curling up in the corner of my couch with a fluffy blankie and a cup of tea to leisurely turn the pages of a new world.

I'm always on the lookout for a new love though. I'm fickle. C'mon and help me pimp my library. Turn me on to your favorites. We can share can't we?

And don't forget to check out the other carnies this month:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Weekend Eye Candy - More Bronze Clay

In honor of my first class in BronzClay™ this coming Sunday, here are just some of the lovely pieces made by the members of Flickr's BronzClay Pool group.

Have a great weekend and regular postings will begin again on Monday. :-)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Outta Touch

My computer is in the shop and I won't be able to post till next week.
Be creative and tell me what you made this weekend!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Save The Date!

Drifting Hearts

The Etsy MetalClay team is planning a trunk show. How is that possible? Well, we've reserved a room in the Etsy Virtual Labs for January 29 at 7:00 EST/4:00 PST and 11 of us will be showing two or three of our favorite Valentine's Day goodies. There will be a trivia quiz and door prizes and tons of fun.

So please mark your calendars and stay close to the computer. I'll be sure to share more information as it is available. Woo Hoo!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Get Up And Do It!

I don't do resolutions. I don't like to set myself up for failure. And let's face it - most of us don't keep the resolutions we make for more than a month or two.

I do, however, create intentions. I intend to do (fill in the blank), but if I don't do it in the time frame I had imagined, there's always another chance.  I like it. I may be playing with words. I suppose you could make the case that an intention is the same thing as a resolution, but it makes me feel easier.

So this year, my main intention is to stop procrastinating so much. I'll still do it some, I'm human, but not as much maybe. And I found out this morning that the universe approves of this intention and wants to help. Gee Thanks a lot! Not.

I teach metal clay. I need supplies. Lucky for me that the warehouse happens to be just 20 miles away. So when I forget to place an order in a timely manner I just call and drive over to pick it up. I've done this many, many times.

Today I put in an order for a class this weekend.  It usually only takes a day to get here, so I was proud of myself knowing I'd have my supplies in plenty of time. But Nooooo. They've moved the shipping department to Tennessee! Now it will take 3-4 days to arrive. Dang. I'll be okay this week, but no more thoughtless procrastination for me. No more annoying trips to the valley at the last minute.  If I don't place an order in time, I may as well cancel the class. And we know that ain't gonna happen.

Getting supplies for my upcoming class was first on my agenda this morning.  I also made an appointment with Toyota for my 10,000 mile check up.  Good thing since the car has over 17,000 miles on it. And I made an appointment at Apple's Genius Bar for parts that I neglected to pick up and have installed in July!!! My warranty is up in two more months so I realllly have to take care of it.

I'm feelin' pretty good right about now. Let's see if I can get two samples made by Friday. Oooh, the pressure.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sleepy Time Post

I was sleepy when I woke up late yesterday and thought it was Monday and put up the swap images a day early. So no brilliant post from me today.  

Instead I'll remind my Los Angeles readers that Robert Dancik will be at the San Gabriel Bead Company on Valentines weekend to teach a two day fold forming class! If you're interested - sign up as soon as you can because the cancellation period for low enrollment with visiting teachers is much earlier than locals. I'm going for sure! Come and spend a day with me and the handsome Robert.

And my Level 1 Certification  class still has some seats I'd love to fill. ;-) You can find all the info on my Cert Blog or go straight to the PMC Connection site.

Happy Day!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Last Traces of Christmas...

Before my blog completely says good bye to 2008, I wanted to share the beautifulness that came out of my attempts at real arts and crafts.

I think I may have mentioned (didn't I?) that I was working on an altered matchbox and ATC for holiday trades with two of my good friends.

Artistic Chaos!

I hand painted both sides of a square of paper for a pinwheel for Paige's box

Shaping the pinwheel on my vise

It was driving me crazy! Cutting and pasting and totally destroying my studiolo.

When good magazines go bad

The red and black fretwork is taken from a magazine advertisement.  I used an Exacto to carefully cut out the openings and pasted a number of different images underneath

Not to mention the angst involved over my crafty talents and whether mine would compare with Michelle' trained artistry or Paige's amazing imagination.

Paige To Lora

Paige To Michelle

Lovely to report that I'm verrry pleased with my own offerings and stunned by the four lovely gifts I received.

Michelle To Paige

Michelle to Lora

We enjoyed ourselves so much that we're planning on doing another smaller trade (or two) before the end of this year.

Lora to Michelle

Lora To Michelle (Detail)

Lora To Paige

Here's to more fun and frivolity in 2009! Enjoy y'all.  That's why we're here.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Weekend Eye Candy - New Year's Edition

1. Blue Champagne, 2. Champagne Kisses, 3. standing diamond rings, 4. Souzan Earrings, 5. More Bijioux, 6. iron pendant, raw diamonds, 7. Diamond Pendant, 8. here's to a bright 2008, 9. *, 10. Geometric Oval Hoop, 11. Diamond Teardrops, 12. grandma and grandpa croker Created with fd's Flickr Toys.

Happy New Year Everyone! Looks like I took an unexpected break in blogging doesn't it. Even I didn't know I was gonna do it. But I'll be back on Monday all rested up and rarin' to go.

Welcome to 2009. Can't wait to see what happens....