Monday, January 19, 2009

I keep forgetting....

Boy, I had so much to do today and was so proud of myself for getting all of my odds and ends together before leaving the house at 10 a.m.

1. Compile bank deposit
2. Fill out teaching invoice for Saturday's class
3. Pay bills
4. Make sure new bifocals are at the mail drop
5. Finish dry silver clay work in progress and fire so you can finish this afternoon.

DOH!!! It's Martin Luther King Day you silly girl! Banks aren't open. Neither is the college to drop off the paper work. And the mail drop is locked up tight. And you left the kiln at the Bead Company after Sunday's bronze clay class (So happy I decided to supplement the store's kiln. My students were sooo prolific).

Now what do I do with myself? I may just have to ... GASP... clean the kitchen and vacuum the carpet and take photos for Etsy... Bother!

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