Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Carnival's Back in Town

Image via SnappyChic

Step right this way... Each month a group of jewelry artists use their blogs to get together online to answer the same question - each in their own way.  The topic this month is:

What is your favorite publication?

Too hard.  Can I choose another topic? I love to read books. I love novels and research material and beautifully produced picture books and how-to teaching aids. I love 'em all. I guess the one book I'm loving most at the moment is still PMC Technic.  Wonderful information relayed in a way that's intriguing accompanied by major eye candy.  What could be better!

Unless it's my other favorite. The internet! Surprised? I also love Google. For the same reasons. I can find tutorials, videos of tutorials, more images that the L.A. library contains, great articles written by real human beings sharing real life experience via their personal blogs... it's endless. The internet certainly doesn't take the place of paper though. And I'd never read a novel online. There's nothing like curling up in the corner of my couch with a fluffy blankie and a cup of tea to leisurely turn the pages of a new world.

I'm always on the lookout for a new love though. I'm fickle. C'mon and help me pimp my library. Turn me on to your favorites. We can share can't we?

And don't forget to check out the other carnies this month:


Anonymous said...

"Too hard. Can I choose another topic?"

LOL! I'm totally with you.

BTW, I think you should consider writing a PMC how-to books of some kind... Are you writing any articles for any of the other pubs? Well, WHAT-R-YA waiting for?! already teach, that other part is a nice progression...

Cherylyn Gnadt said...

My favorite book lately is "Making Cold Connections" by Susan Lenart Kazmer.
I love the hand drawn illustrations and the pure whimsy of her style. And even though I usually start off with PMC, I look to this for unique ideas on connecting and adding to my creations. A great inspiration on how to make "your voice" come through in your work.
Great question, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Lora, since moving to Florida I have learned of some great Florida authors.
The funniest one I have read is Tim Dorsey and you have to start with first novel. The best part of his books is the "hero" is a serial killer. His books are worth LOL. The other author that is great is Janet Evanovich which you have to start from the first book. Great little chuckles in this series too!
Of course all my PMC books too.
Have you read "A New Earth"?

Lora Hart said...

Thanks for commenting folks! I love Susan Lenart Kazmer too and have read quite a few Janet Evanovich books. But I definitely have to check out Tim Dorsey. There's never enough mysteries in the world for my taste. ;-)

I used to write regularly for Step by Step Beads, but when they changed format it didn't suit my work anymore. I'll have to think about submitting to Art Jewelry or Jewelry Artist soon.