Friday, March 11, 2011

Weekend Eye Candy - RAD exhibition rings

Once upon a time, a member of the EtsyMetal team named Nina Dinoff got the bright idea to institute a daily challenge to her team members. The point would be to make a ring every day in 2010. Well, once she created a Flickr group and the word got out - hundreds of other ring makers joined in (including me) and the challenge became a phenomenon.

Lark Books took notice and decided to publish a book featuring only RAD rings, and the EtsyMetal members thought they'd try to get a grant and write a proposal for an exhibition during the 2011 SNAG conference in Seattle. They looked through 16,000 images to choose 365 physical rings and 14 framed photos of ephemeral or temporary rings. Out of those 365 - they chose 4 of my rings! I'm just so chuffed I could leap around the room wearing a big dopey grin. Oh wait - I did that. ;D

The exhibition will be held for one month at Punch Gallery in Seattle. Thanks to jurors Shannon Conrad, Colleen Baran, Kathryn Cole, Sara Westermark and  Nina Gibson.

Huzzah!! Here's to taking risks, freedom to play, and being in the right place at the right time.


Babette said...

WTG, Laura! Kudos to you. Your work is artsy, fun and daring. You go, girl!

Helen Derici said...

That's fabulous news, Lora - well done!!! I am so pleased that someone who works so hard, is so, so talented and is such a lovely person is having her creativity rewarded - just fabulous!!!
aka Helen Derici

Phoenix said...

oh and they picked my fav ring . . . the one with the paint brush!

Congrats LORA!

Dina Alexander said...

Lora, many congratulations girl. Yet another recognition of your accomplishments! You are to be envied. xo ;)

Lorena Angulo said...

Yeah !!!! We are going to be together !
Love to see your wonderful work in the exhibition !!

Susan Dilger said...

Congrats Lora!!!! The rings are fabulous and it's a great opportunity for you! Bravo!

Angela Crispin said...

Congratulations Lora !
All of your rings are so well chosen and worth being in the exhibit ! And my favorite of your rings was chosen ... the super cool copper and enamel 2 finger one, remember I asked you about that one ;o)))I loooove that one !!!

And yeah, Lorena, that makes 3 of us ;o)