Monday, January 20, 2014

No Promises

I guess you have noticed that I've been absent from this blog. I don't really understand what happened. When I started it I posted almost every day. Then it was down to 2-3 a week. Then the Weekend Eye Candy's were all I could manage (they actually took a bit of time to create). And then it seemed like I could never get the energy or think of an interesting topic and the posts just dwindled to nothing.

I'm not sure if the blogging energy will return, but don't give up on me (those of you who are still here). In the meantime - I'm hosting a live Master's Registry Prep group in my studio and will be blogging monthly about our meetings. For the metal clay makers in the group - If you're looking to advance your skill sets, artistic voice, or just wanna have fun - doing the projects in the Registry will give you a boost of imagination. You don't ever have to submit them for evaluation - you can just work on them while you work on your art. So join me at the new blog sometime during the 4th week of every month (we meet on the 3rd Saturday).
Thanks for reading me. [Note: Blogger was acting odd when I published this and it's not making links live. Sorry.]

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