Friday, March 5, 2010

Weekend Eye Candy - Dauvit Alexander Edition

Dauvit Alexander aka The Justified Sinner aka Beardie Bloke was one of my very first Flickr "friends". I admit to having had quite a crush on him for a while. His work never ceases to astound me. He's what I consider the consummate goldsmith. Not that he works with gold very often.

His chosen materials are most often found around his home town of Glasgow, Scotland. Ancient sewing machine needles; bits of broken steel, bits, washers and the like from a local dump site; anything rusty and corroded that shows the wear and tear of use will be co opted for use in his designs.

He can carve waxes, engrave, wield a jewelers saw like nobody's business, set any stone shape in any number of styles (just look at those diamonds pave set into the sides of a twist drill/auger in the first picture). Dauvit uses cad cam technology and microscopes to achieve the look he's after. And I bet he could repair any of the queens jewels in the traditional way, if he had a mind to. Although I'm sure he doesn't.

I'm so honored to have a ring and a pendant that he created. I consider his style to be the very best of steampunk design. The Haute Couture version. I'm very concerned about offending him with that label - found object work like this really defies categorization. But whatever he or you choose(s) to call it, just call it magnificent!


Maggie Bergman said...

I totally agree Lora! Dauvit is just the most imaginative jeweller! I love the way he puts his 'finds' together, add some precious stones and metals and comes up with a totally spectacular piece! He's also one of my Flickr Favs for sure!

Kirsten said...

any chance that you'd switch to full feed? I only see a teaser in my google reader.

Karen@OatkaCreekStudio said...

Wow, this is my first time seeing the work of this man with many names..amazing!!! Thank you for posting....Karen