Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's Always Somethin'...

I'm so lucky to be able to do what I do! I work from home (in pajamas if I choose), make my own schedule, and design exactly what I want to do in life and how I want to do it.

I've joined an online life coaching workshop with Christine Kane (just started on Monday) and realize, after reading introductions and comments from the other participants, just how unusual it is that I found my way to where I am now on my own!

I'm excited to see where this workshop will take me. I'm looking for focus and clarity in how I want to proceed with my career in the next year or two. I have unfulfilled dreams just like everyone else. I feel jealousy when I see colleagues moving in directions that I want to - and at the same time don't want to. I battle with "shoulds" and "supposed to's". I listen to the half empty voice much more than any sane person ever should. Happily - I also ignore that voice a good majority of the time. But I'd like to get to the point where the half full voice fills the room.
"Khmer" Raku Ceramic, metal clay, cz's - ©2009

I feel very half full these days. More than half in fact. I've started my Mentorial program on Etsy and have my first two clients. Yay! I've really enjoyed getting CornerStone off the ground in my new position as Artistic Advisor for PMC Connection. I'm pulling my thoughts, supplies and handouts together for the 5, (yes, five!) classes I'll be teaching at Arrowmont in May. And this week I'm preparing to teach my first Level 3 Certification class. Woo Hoo!

Wedgewood shard, mother of pearl knife handle, Coke bottle, ceramic eye, found object

Today I'm working on a sample for that class. I sold my own L3 project soon after I made it and want to have something to show my students. The kiln is already at the studio where I'll be teaching, so I haven't been able to fire it yet, but I thought I'd share my progress with you.

Eid copper project. The Hydraulic press cut through two sides of the shape and I cut the "ruffle" with shears.

The project involves setting an unusually shaped object after firing. I had lots of choices, but opted to go with a piece of hydraulically formed copper that I made in a class with Cynthia Eid many years ago. It's a really fun project with lots of technically challenging steps.

The setting. 118% bigger. Looks huge to me. Hope it fits. ;D

Then later tonight, I'll go to Otis for week 5 of my 8 week, 3 hour night class. Life is good. It can only go up from here.


Phoenix said...

Have I mentioned today . . . how much I dig you! Thank you for sharing. I too appreciate that ability to work from home and create my own schedule - sometimes I struggle to keep myself accountable and sometimes it's the negative internal dialog that will catch me first. AND it soooo cool and inspiring to see you movin' and shakin' . . . new success, different success. I love the new blog. I am sooooo gonna miss hangin with ya this weekend have a stellar class and GREAT ZEUS! That ceramic piece is totally to die for!

Lorena Angulo said...

I am very happy to see you moving in that direction my talented friend. I have been a big admirer of your work and believe with all my heart that you will have GREAT things coming your way!!

Tracy Hibsman said...

Yay! So glad you are doing marvelous things! You were sort of in the doldrums when I took your Otis class. So happy for your full sails!

Cherylyn Gnadt said...

So happy for your more than half full life. Enjoy Christine Kane's program. I really was tempted, but the checkbook said otherwise. I've been visiting your posts on CornerStone, also. Great job moving forward and making the most of all your opportunities. Thanks for the inspiration.

Helen Derici said...

I really enjoyed reading this blog today, especially the bit about working in one's pyjamas - this resonated with me, having been working in my PJs all day today :-) and the pleasure of being one's own master - I should really say mistress, shouldn't I?

Your work is amazing - I am so full of admiration at the diversity of your skills. It's great to hear of all the new ventures that you're involved in. I'll have to look at the 'Etsy' thing - it sounds very interesting.

I too am moving in all types of directions. I am enjoying the Flickr groups that I have joined. They are giving me a good old 'kick-in-the-butt' to keep focused and also to plan ahead. Of course I'm not at your level but I definitely aspire to be :-)

I am very guilty of starting pieces, engaging fully with the techniques and then having worked on the piece, never quite finishing it - earring wires, clasps - you know what I mean :-)

I have given myself the first six months of this year to experiment and then to focus absolutely to produce a cohesive collection by the end of 2011 - that is the target that I have set for myself. I am definitely aiming for that!!!

I'm looking forward to reading your next blog :-)

Lora Hart said...

I do the same think Dolly. (or do I know you by another name?)

I take classes, learn the techniques, practice on one or two elements and never complete a derned thing! Hence the copper object that I can now set as a focal!

Thanks for the nice comments.

Jeannette LeBlanc said...

I have long admired your work and now appreciate more than ever your candour in sharing your artistic journey! I live vicariously through people like you!

Vickie Hallmark said...

Oh, I'm so jealous of the Christine Kane workshop. I keep considering that for myself.

I think of you as one of my jewelry icons who has already made it, so it's surprising to see you having self doubts.

We'll be watching to see you take off to the next level.

Helen Derici said...

Lora, you do know me under another name - Dolly Allsorts is my alter-ego (not really!) It's Helen Derici here :-) but I expect you wondered for a little while - now who is that person? I have been experimenting again today whilst in my pyjamas - of course!!! I just cannot work with paints etc: without getting them all over myself :-) I am covered!!!
And also today my partner went to work wondering why I had numbers written in green pen on my left hand and up my left arm - I'd been uploading photos to Flickr and I'd written the numbers of the photos that I wanted to put up on my hand. I ran out of room on my hand so had to go up my arm - it made perfect sense to me anyway - hee hee!!! He knows I'm barking mad anyway, especially when I'm working. I have to work and work until something is achieved and then I can go to bed even if it's 5.00am in the morning :-) I hope you've achieved everything that you wanted to achieve today!!!

Ruth said...

Good to hear of your explorations. Always interested to see where life and everything takes you my dear.