Monday, September 12, 2011

Curriculum Vitae

The Latin words for resumé. I spent all of Saturday and part of this morning updating mine. I'll be moving to Richmond, Virginia next year and wanted to get a head start on finding work. Metal Clay teaching work, that is.

In Los Angeles I teach at two jr. colleges and one art college, and I'd like to find the same type of arrangement in Richmond. I like working at locations other than a home studio for a couple of reasons. The venue usually already has a supply of eager students to draw from, and they carry insurance in case of mishaps. I've thought about finding a big enough space to do classes from a home base of some sort and might try to rent a studio once I get settled. The bonus of that set up is not having to lug all my supplies and equipment (including the kiln) to the classroom.

Updating my CV was actually a great exercise. Seeing all of my jewelry related achievements in print, on one piece of paper was very affirming. One might even say ego boosting! Reading over the previous version, compiled in 2009, reminded me of many activities I'd forgotten about. Adding new information pushed me to consider what I've accomplished in the past two years. I wonder if I've forgotten anything...

Writing an artistic resume would be a great process to go through even if you're not looking for employment. If you're not a teacher, haven't been published, or don't have any other public accolades to include - think of all the times you've taken a class, made a submission, participated in a challenge or completed a particular project. Use the traditional resume format to create a synopsis of your successes, detail every time you put yourself on the line, list all the skills you've mastered, celebrate all of your creative accomplishments. Print a work history for your eyes only. And take pride in your achievements.

1 comment:

Vickie Hallmark said...

Congrats on the decision to make the move! I hope the change brings you a lot of new creative energy.

You remind me how out of date my CV has become. It's so easy to lose track if you're not vigilant.