Thursday, January 12, 2012

It's hard to write a post with a purring kitty curled up on your forearms, but I'll try.

Diego Pigletta de Velazquez y Santana (see his goatee?)

It's a quiet, cozy morning here in Venice, California, and I'm stuck between wanting to curl up myself and dancing around the room in anticipation as I wait to see what beauty comes out of the kiln! Last night was the first in a series of 5 classes working with Hadar's rose bronze clay, and my students were all so excited to experiment with it. We'll be playing with copper and steel in the coming weeks, learning how to carve, make textures and combine colors.

I'm also prepping for my first ever Craftcast class! Woo Hoo! (too many exclamation marks?) I'm kinda nervous about the process, but I guess anything one can do in their PJ's has gotta be fun. Hope you'll join us at the pajama party... er... class. Pillow fight!!!

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