Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ablaze with Energy

Image and roving via Dancing Leaf Farm

I had a great time yesterday with the girls.  We made some textures with molds, had a great lunch and then spent hours felting little balls by hand.  Well, Paige and Michelle felted little balls by hand.  I used my poor foot as an excuse to do some needle felting on a little dopey giftie.  I'll show pics after the giftie is given.  

I've never felted anything before. It was really fun.  Already ordered some pretty roving from an Etsy seller.  Wish I had it in time for my operation tomorrow (they're taking four pins out of said poor foot). I'd needle felt pretty designs onto those little balls. I'm checking in at 7:00 am but the doctors have Foot Clinic until noon, so I expect to have a lot of time to keep myself busy. Saint Paige is taking me again and insists on staying at the hospital or in the near vicinity until they let me go much later in the afternoon. The docs promise I'll be able to walk out under my own steam.  We'll just see about that. I'm off until Monday, so I'll be doing lots of creative recuperating.

A tout a l'heure.  Wish me well!


Susan Dilger said...

Hope it goes well! I guess you won't be setting off the alarms at airport security any more, right? Get well soon!!

kait said...

Good luck and congratulations on the approaching end of your ordeal! Fingers crossed!