Friday, August 22, 2008

The Carnival's Back in Town

Image via Dandy Tree

Step right this way... Each month a group of jewelry artists use their blogs to get together online and answer the same question - each in their own way. This month is a bit of a departure! A virtual studio tour.

My 11' x 7' Studiolo is presented in this little mosaic. Click on it for a big view and on the links below to see the original Flickr descriptions and details.  And if you run your cursor over the photos you can see some additional notes. Then be sure to visit the other carney's to see their studios.  I'm so jealous I wanna go out and buy a house and fill it with all sorts of toys and tools!

1. full studio, 2. studio wide., 3. StudioPhotoSetUp, 4. SupplyArmoir, 5. ShelvesAndDrawers2, 6. BulletinBoard, 7. pickle pot, 8. soldering set up

Wait, wait... Don't forget to visit the other carney's studios too!


Anonymous said...

Hey Lora,
I love your sites. I've been beading for about a year and have been looking to take it to the next level and have been researching PMC and with each search I'm falling more and more in love with it. I just can't wait to get started and thank you for all your helpful information. Wish I were close enough for one of your workshops. Thanks helen

Lora Hart said...

Thanks so much Helen. I'm really glad that my blog is inspirational to so many. I know you'll love working with it when you get your hands on some.

Beth Hikes said...

Gosh, this is such a fun idea. I feel like a little mouse that gets to peek into everyone's creative mind. Thanks for inviting me inside!