Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Good Day, Sunshine!

Three good things happened yesterday. Woo Hoo! Always a reason for celebration.

I had a really fun play day with Paige and Michelle again. It's getting to be a regular thing. How many of you schedule play dates with your friends? Whether it's to do crafts, go to a movie or museum, or just make a picnic and yak - adult play dates are da bomb. Seriously every time I have one my batteries are re charged, I feel more productive the next day and stresses that I might have been feeling seem to fade into the background. Try it. You'll like it!

My friend Sophie's treasury called "Things That Zing" made the front page of Etsy and my Split Lentil bead necklace was featured in it! Which means that I have so many new *hearts* that the new ones from first thing in the morning (the treasury was on the FP at 6 in the morning L.A. time) were tiny dots by the end of the day. Not sure how many I got but it was alot. And the featured piece got an additional 350 views!!! Wowza! Who knew a front page could be so very influential.

Then, probly because of the front page, I got a commission. A woman saw my Pillow Bead Pendant and requested a similar one with a different type of chain. So of course that's what I made during the play date. Now all I have to do is finish, polish and be-chain it and voila! My first commission.

Life is good.


Angela Crispin said...

Congratulations !!! BTW, your lentil bead was also added to my Hive a some days ago ;o)

Anonymous said...

KEWL! --And congrats on the commission!!!

I wish I had friends here to have play dates. ;-(

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm so happy I made you happy!
and I wish I could come play, too.

Susan Dilger said...

Congrats! Your Etsy store looks great! And congrats on the commission!
