Monday, August 30, 2010

Newz, Part Deux

Remember last Wedneday when I said that I had filled out my profile on ApprenticeMentor? I posted it here and on Facebook. And didn't expect much of anything. But one of my students was watching, posted her profile too and then asked me if we could team up! This is a perfect example of asking the universe for something - and having it answer. I just didn't think it would be at the speed of light.
Meet Dawn Miller. Dawn took a one day class from me about a year or so ago and then signed up for my 8 week workshop at Otis. She liked it so much she signed up again. She's a very talented metal clayer, precise (which I really appreciate), inventive and committed.

And the world just keeps getting smaller... Turns out that Dawn and I attended the same elementary school (Collier St.); junior high (Portola); and high school (Taft). And grew up just blocks away from each other to boot. Dawn is a couple of years younger than I am, but our school days overlapped for a year. Imagine that! She was even able to confirm a very misty memory (that I had convinced myself was completely imagined) of LaToya Jackson (yes, that one) sitting on a bench at Portola.

Add that her birthday is 13 days before mine and I think this relationship is what one might consider Kismet! Dawn will be in my Level One certification class in two weeks. As a student, not yet an apprentice. Wanna meet her? Why don't you join us? ;D


Now turn your memory card way back to the beginning of the year. I decided to take part in a Flickr project called Ring A Day. Got it? Well, I only kept it up for about three months. Then I realized I was spending too much time on the challenge and not enough on my own work and dropped out. Flash forward to a couple of weeks ago when I got an e-mail from an editor at Lark Books. Miss Marthe LeVan (who was also making rings) had decided to make a book featuring 500 photos of the Flickr challenge. And they wanted permission to use 13 of my images!!! Umm... hmmm... Gee, let me think about it for a minute... Hell yeah! Not all of the images will be used, but they wanted more than enough from each artist so they could put together a beautiful assortment. There will be metal rings and conceptual rings and just plain silly rings. How thrilled am I do you think? Thanks Miss Marthe and the entire team at Lark. Can't wait to see it.

I know there was something else I wanted to tell you, but I guess I'm just too over excited about these two tidbits for my hippocampus to cooperate. So there might be a Part Trois at some point. Maybe. Unless the hippo goes off campus for an extended stay.


Lorena Angulo said...

I am happy for you Lora!!!! ;-)
You and Dawn will make a perfect team, I can not wait to see what you will do.

Honey from the Bee said...

Serendipity in action! What a wonderful week you've had. I'm so happy for you!

Vickie Hallmark said...

Congratulations, on both the apprentice and the publication! You just never know where things will go when you put them out there to the universe.

Cathy said...

Hey Lora, that's really great about the book (and the apprentice)! Congratulations!!!

Susan Dilger said...

Congrats, Lora!!! Well deserved!

Margaret Schindel said...

How wonderful, Lora, on both counts! I'm excited and delighted for you!