Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The 29 Steps

How do you find inspiration when your creativity seems to flag? What tricks do you have to jump start your artistic tendencies? Sometimes I wonder if I spend too much of the work day practicing my favorite avoidance techniques - playing with the kitties, checking in on Oprah (don't have that distraction anymore), or surfing Face Book. I don't respect the time I spend doing "nothing". I think I should be productive at least 8 hours a day. But according to this list, doing nothing *is* doing something. Yay me!

How many of these tips have you tried? 


jenniferpolson said...

Good post! I like clean workspace and write things down. Also, don't beat ypurself up. That's our puritan work ethic culture. Remember, the kitties are your muse!

Janice said...

Just what I needed to read today. After watching "The Voice" this morning (last night's show), I was feeling so inspired by the great coaching tips that were given to the teams. But then I realized it was 1 1/2 hours of t.v. first thing in the morning and began feeling guilty. So as I was waiting for my outlook to load, I drew a pendant design that came out of nowhere! Love when that happens.

Lora Hart said...

That's the way to go Janice!! I expect great things after I clear off my bench/desk this morning. It's been a train wreck for weeks. ;D

Mcd said...

thank you