Thursday, June 9, 2011

Prep Please

I'm getting ready for a show this weekend at the Contemporary Craft Market. This is the only show I do, usually twice a year, and I'm really looking forward to it. The CCM is a wonderful, high end, craft show filled with textiles, ceramics, glass, jewelry (of course), art furniture, and more. No imported objects allowed.

I had photos printed and laminated at Staples, then used earthquake putty to attach them to the pedestals.  The spot where my booth is has lovely wood paneled walls that I'm not allowed to touch! So this was my make-do way of displaying pictures of my work.

I ordered two new pedestals for my tiny 5' x 6' booth and will supplement those with lightweight furniture from home. My previous set up involved Ikea screw on legs and a piece of 2' x 6' pine from the hardware store. I loved the rustic look, but putting the legs on and off and moving a 6' board by myself finally got to be too much. The Easy Pedestals are made of corrugated cardboard and fold for easy transportation. Wood plaques from the craft store (Michael's) will feature the jewelry.

I'm a do it yourself kind of gal. I also make my own price tags. I hate the way commercial ones look on handmade jewelry. I punch a 1/2" hole out of black construction paper and use a piece of whatever heavy thread is in the sewing box. Last time it was pretty gold cord I used for an embroidered pillow years ago. This time it's just plain black string. I was thinking that the tags look a bit like a cartoon bomb with the fuse about to be lit! But that will change (hopefully) when I add the price with a silver or white pen.

This is all very last minute. 'Cos that's the way I evidently roll. Unfortunately. And I still have errands to run. Get some black lentil beans, find another daylight bulb... Luckily my friend Dawn is helping me set up my booth, so maybe it'll get done faster so I can get those errands out of the way and finish making chains for a couple of necklaces. Tonight. For the show tomorrow. Sigh.

I certainly hope to see some of my local readers at the show. It's three days and you can download a free pass for two, so there's really no good excuse not to come. ;D


Vickie Hallmark said...

That looks like an incredible show. So awed that you are part of it. Your new booth will be the finishing touch to show off your treasures. Hope you sell it all!

Lorena Angulo said...

The show looks very nice !!
Like you new set up Lora. I wish I could be there !!
Have a great show my friend ! ♥

Angela Crispin said...

Oh, you'll get everything rolling just in time for the show, I know it! And even those errands will get done. Thnaks for posting that video, it really makes one feel like visiting. I'm so happy for you that you do that show, it really looks wonderful and high-end, as you say! Wish I were closer to at least be able to visit you there. And, yes, now I at least can visualize the area - loooove that energy there. Very cool ! Sending you angels of "many sales" ... Oops, I mean of
prosperity ;-)