Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Know Thyself!

A week ago Sunday I taught a live version of 'Crafting Your Artistic Voice' for members of my local metal clay guild. I've been working on a draft of a long conceived e-book for almost a year and with only one exercise yet to develop, I wanted to find out how other people would interpret my ideas and use them to re-imagine their personal jewelry making styles.

Without a point of view, people don't know what they're coming to you for! Joe Zee

Crafting Your Artistic Voice uses collage techniques, writing exercises and personal challenges to help a maker gain focus into their own intentions, develop a signature look, and feel confident in their own artistic identity.

We had the most amazing day of talk, fun, arts and crafts, insight, Aha! moments, and exciting creative discoveries. I'm so grateful for and humbled by all the lovely, supportive, comments that my friends made.  They gave it such a good review at our meeting this past Sunday that I'm going to offer an encore to members who weren't able to tear themselves away from the Superbowl to attend the first class. After that fabulous experience I'm really excited to finish the text, gather images, format a downloadable PDF and put it online so I can share it with all of you!

Here's just a tiny smidgeon of one of the exercises from Chapter Two - 'More Than Words'. Make a list of words that define your interests, inspirational imagery, and working methodology. Enter them into this program, print it out and paste it on your wall to use as inspiration when you come up with new designs for your work.

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