Monday, June 15, 2009

The Never Ending Organizer

Yesterday was our local PMC Guild meeting. Sooo fun. We each decorated a match box and stashed little surprises inside to trade. People were so creative! Paige took a pic and I'll see if she can send it to me so I can show you.
We also all brought odds and ends of supplies, trash, treasures, just stuff we didn't appreciate in hopes that someone else would discover their worth. Marsha brought a beautiful wooden file cabinet that her Mother was donating to GoodWill and I took it home! Score.

Unfortunately it didn't fit in either of the small spaces I had hoped to house it in. I tried it under my desk, but it was just 1/2 inch too tall! I had actually decided to re gift it myself, when I remembered that my desk is on adjustable legs from Ikea. But the thought of clearing off my desk top, moving two bookcases and denuding the floor of my studiolo was too daunting and I let the whole matter rest for a couple of hours before picking my lazy butt off the couch and tackling the mess. 

Excellent work out! I highly recommend moving all your furniture about all by yourself. Better than hiring those trainer people on the NBC torture show (Biggest Loser). Seriously. I haven't sweated that much in years.

But it was totally worth it, even if it *is* a tight fit. Why I didn't move the computer slider over an inch while I had the desk on its side is beyond me. Lord knows I'm not taking everything apart again. I'll just live with it. And be really mindful when I want to use the laptop.

Now I just have to put away all the little piddly bits and pieces, sort out about 30 individual beads that I discovered buried in the rug and re arrange the tools on my desk top before I can get to the fun part. I just love organizing files, putting things in boxes and containers and making objects line up perfectly.

Then I hope to get to some serious metal clay play. But then the armoir needs to be cleaned out and there's a big pile for the Salvation Army at the door, and really my bathroom could stand a cleaning and...... Arrgh. It's just never ending isn't it.    ;-)


Zoe Nelson said...

Good for you, Lora! Sounds like you had the same experience I had with my shed. Feels good to get organized, doesn't it?

HappyDayArt! said...

I am doing the garage and it is feeling very liberating the more I do. I can almost get the car in there again. Just one or two more sessions and the car will get to sleep inside. That hasn't happened in 2, maybe 3 years.

This post was really funny!


Anonymous said...

great job, you'll feel so good when it's alll done!

Michelle Ross said...

Ya almost got me..... should I start ripping things apart? NAH!!!!, but good for you!