Friday, October 10, 2008

Weekend Eye Candy - A Tale of 2 Roses

Created with fd's Flickr Toys.

I thought it would be really interesting to look at a body of work from a single design studio. 2 Roses is manned (and womanned) by husband and wife team John and Corliss Rose from Southern California. For the most part John is the lapidary and Corliss is the metalsmith who loves polymer clay, but everybody works on everything and the resulting collaboration is astounding.

Exacting workmanship and a serious sense of humor is evident in every piece (does anyone else think "On Top of Vesuvius" looks like a Borg battleship?), and the found objects they choose to employ in their designs are a delightful addition to the mix.

You can see a whole portfolio of their work by wading through their Flickr photostream and read a great profile about them in the Orchid Gallery.

1 comment:

Angela Crispin said...

Their work is just amazingly eclectic, what a dynamic duo ! A 4 handed symphony.