Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tweet, Tweet - Tweedle Dee ....

Sweet Tweet Bird Soaps by LoveLee Soaps

Just call me Rockin' Robin now. I've fallen into the great big nest. I belong to Twitter

It baffled me for a while. I joined and then since I didn't have an e-mail account through one of their preferred partners, couldn't figure out how I was gonna find people to follow.  And since I don't use a cell phone and don't have text messaging capabilities, I couldn't figure out how I was gonna know if someone I was following tweeted. So I let it lay. Forgot about it. Ignored Twitters very existence.

But I just can't give up once I get something into my head. I was in the Virtual Labs at Etsy yesterday and before the meeting started I mentioned that I just didn't get it. Noadi, one of the other attendees sent me a great link to a Squidoo Lens that she wrote on the ins and outs of Twitter!!! Eureka!  

The Lens has so much great information on it and I really learned a lot. I finally understood how to get others to follow me - but still couldn't figure out the following thing. How do I know when I got a tweet without constantly having to go to Twitter myself. I e-mailed Noadi (whose real name is Sheryl) and she e-mailed me right back with a web site designed to work with Mac/Apple computers.

I downloaded the relatively easy (for me) to understand application from Twhirl and was on my way. So, do you Twitter? Has it helped your business? Helped you to find new friends? Has it been entertaining or annoying? Inquiring minds (mine) want to know all about your experience in the bird cage.


Anonymous said...

I'm a twitterer, or is that a twit? (I'm going with a silent 'n' for this one!)

I love it -- just dash of a few thoughts now and then with a little promotion on the side.

I just try to make it a fun way to connect with new people and make some new friends.

Zamzam Design said...

thanks for sharing, I had the same 'problem'... Couldn't figure out how to find people I know... I'll try the Lens!

Chocolate and Steel said...

I need to research it more. I actually have a twitter account but haven't visited since I signed up.
Thanks for the lens. I'm going to check it out and maybe someday we can twitter to each other;)