Monday, December 15, 2008

Gettin' Down to Business

There's something very satisfying about doing chores that you know *have* to be done, but that you resist.

This morning I listed a new pair of earrings in my Etsy shop. These lovely Lemon Drops are part of my Kaizen series. I soldered earring posts onto the back of some little metal clay beads I had made as a sample for a water etching class, and then riveted two very yummy lemon quarts beads to sterling wire as the hanging mechanism. I bought the lemon quartz a very long time ago because when I saw the strand lying on the vendor's table - I wanted to put them in my mouth! I'm not kidding when I say they were yummy. I love the way they turned out and I never would have thought to use the metal clay beads in this way if they hadn't been hanging around so long.

I also re shot some of the photos of work that had already been listed. I'm trying to update my shop, give it a more cohesive look and brighten it up a bit. What do you think of the way it looks so far?


Beth Hikes said...

I love those beads. They do look yummy next to the silver. Also I like the architectural element in the background - very elegant!

Lora Hart said...

Thanks Beth. The yellow is much more vibrant than it looks in photos. And I still have the urge to put them in my mouth. ;-)