Monday, January 4, 2010

My Year in Review

Happy New Year everyone! A few of my contacts on Flickr made mosaics of their work and I decided to take a look at my own collection. And I'm surprise at how enlightening it was.

Most of these pieces were made as a result of either a challenge or as a class sample. Not that there's anything wrong with that. You remember the Project Runway One a Week Challenges from last year? Well this year I'm involved with two more challenges (so far). The Master's Registry and a Flickr challenge called the One A Day Ring challenge. I guess I like to challenge myself. But evidently not enough to come up with a line of my own work.

Everything does have the same aesthetic. A common feel and style. It all looks like it was made by me. But each is an individual. Relatively unique.

I look at others work (isn't that a rule - thou shalt not judge thyself by surfing the masses?) and love the way that some artists take a single theme and expand on it to develop a series of common pieces. I love that. I want to do that. And yet - I don't.

I'm trying to adopt that philosophy for my first level Master's projects. All will be based on wrought iron gate designs. I'm really looking forward to seeing them as a group. 10 items with a common thread.

The ring challenge is very different. Any material is welcome. Metalsmithed, metal clayed, found objects, anything. I really think it will force me to stretch my imagination to find ordinary, yet interesting, objects that I can wrap around a finger.

Anyone can join in! Go see everyone's offerings. it's only day four, but it's already promising to be a spectacular exersize.


Jewels By Helen said...

Lora, I have been following your blog for a while and I really look forward to your post. Thanks for sharing your PMC world -- you inspire me.

continuando assim... said...
