Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday's Tidings

I spent the day yesterday in Anaheim, California at the Craft and Hobby Association (CHA) wholesale show/convention. I went primarily to visit my dear friend Tonya Davidson who was in from Tucson where she lives. It was so fun to walk around and see all the new products that will soon be flooding the market. There were some very cool new types of polymer clay from Donna Kato, some gorgeous new glitters from a company whose name I embarrassingly can't remember (but that Whole Lotta Whimsy might be writing an order for) and some ultra fabulous new craft books. Sherri Haab's book looks soo yummy, Mary Hettmansperger's is definitely on my must get list and there are a slew of new luscious picture books from Larks 500 series. I flippantly asked the Sterling rep if he was sure that he wouldn't love to let me take 500 Gemstone Jewels home with me that night and after a short think - he said yes!!! So I have an advance copy of a book that won't be out till spring! Hooray!

It was lovely to see both Tonya and her business partner Sharon, have lunch, catch up and just enjoy each other's company. And in an amazing moment of serendipity Sherri Haab and her two daughters, Kathy Davis and my friend Cassy Muronaka all converged on the same booth at the same time for an impromptu coffee clatch. Without the coffee. Dang. I also got to briefly meet Lisa Pavelka, Christi Friesen and was able to see some stunning jewelry made by Mary Hett in her equally stunning booth. It was all I could do not to pull out my very empty wallet and bring home a souvenir. A good time had by all - especially me!

And speaking of Tonya Davidson.. I'm so proud to be able to announce that I'm a member of Whole Lotta Whimsy's innagural design team! I'm one of just ten Master Muses who will be designing 60 projects over the next year using innovative and inspirational materials and techniques. Tonya will share the projects and free tutorials on her blog each week! Go on over to her beautifully re designed blog to meet all the Muses and read more about the design team.


Moda di Magno said...

Congrats Master Lora! Can't wait to see what tantalizing goodies you create!

CassyM said...

It was good to see you too, Lora.