Friday, May 21, 2010


I've been making things for my upcoming show at the Contemporary Crafts Market (June 11-13 at the Santa Monica Civic) and I realized that I need to make a bunch of earrings. Fast. So I've given in to mass production. Not a lot of mass, but not one off's either.

I always try to stress to students that if you're using a commercial tool, you want to think of a way to make it unique to you. Use more than one texture maker on a single slab of clay, cut a shape with a cookie cutter and then cut it again with another to change the shape... Things like that. And I do it myself. But even using cookie cutters in an inventive way can take time. So I came up with the brilliant idea to make my own shape templates. Why did it take me so long to figure out that little shortcut? Doh!

I used rubber cement to glue the paper to the copper
This bench pin is great. It raises the height of the pin to what it would be if I were using a jeweler's bench instead of a desk.
I drew three designs that I liked, cut them into manageable sizes and glued them to a piece of 24g copper sheet. Then I pierced out the shape with a jeweler's saw and used them to cut multiple earring pieces.

Fired 'em up, soldered some 20g wire on to 'em, patinated, polished and put 'em together to document for you! I'm very happy! Not quite sure about the little amphora shapes, but I'll put 'em on the table and see if they get any bites. Not sure if any of them deserve to be pendants either, but I'll think on it. Loove them all as earrings. And I got so much done in two days. I might like this production thing after all.


Maggie Bergman said...

Great idea Lora! I love the 'vase' shape! Nice textures to to compliment the shapes, hope you sell heaps!

Lorena Angulo said...

Super cool !!!!
I have always made my own templates but I made them with paper, good idea about cutting them into a copper sheet !!!! ;-)

Your earrings are looking super beautiful !!!

Lora Hart said...

I usually use card stock for my one or two off templates, but the copper will last forever and I want to do a production line.

Thanks for the complements! : D

Zoe Nelson said...

Love the shapes you chose, Lora, and your textures are gorgeous as usual!

I use the stiff plastic of a 99 cent "for sale" sign from the hardware store. You can draw on it with pencil and cut it with scissors. They'll last forever, too, and easier than sheet metal.

Amery said...

Love the bottom shape, really feminine. :)

Moda di Magno said...

Love the template system - I've used thick plastic placemats, but the copper would be sharper, I love that. I also LOVE the last pair before the comments. A lot!

Donna Penoyer said...

I am so psyched by how much you are on a roll! These earrings are beautiful and have me all jazzed up. You've managed to put great life, the Lora spark, into these simple production pieces. They're simply great designs! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xoxo

Cathy said...

Excellent Lora! You've been very productive - bet these will be hot items at your show... they look fabulous, dahling... just fabulous...

Vickie Hallmark said...

Great idea on the permanent templates rather than my standard index cards!

I LOVE those bottom earrings. Can I buy a pair...seriously!!

Vicki said...

Oh YEAH! Small scale production! Wonderful Lora!

Joan said...

I like the ones second from the bottom. Unique way to attach too! I have been using up my playing cards to make templates. I have the plastic coated ones. some of my older ones have lasted about a year so far but I can't say I use them more than one pair a week. The copper is a cool idea. I had been wondering about making cookie cutters for some of my favorite templates but your copper idea should be easier to execute.

Susan Dilger said...

Way to go, girlie!!! Very Nice!!! Good luck at the show!

Mary Smith said...
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