Thursday, April 23, 2009

Crazy Busy!

Just call me Last Minute Lora. My usual lament. I'm leaving early Saturday morning for Arrowmont to teach at the PMC Connection Retreat and I have barely started packing. This doesn't only include packing clothes and such (which some folks do a week or more in advance), but writing lists of supplies, checking them twice and mo' better - thrice. Culling, calling, categorizing...

Teaching away games is usually relatively stressful. Why I put it off this long is beyond me. So all day today I'll be going through my class kits, mentally reviewing the project and making sure I don't forget anything vital.

There's still time for you to sign up for Little Altars. How fun would it be to take a class  in a camp style atmosphere in the beautiful mountains of Tennessee! Think about joining me for some last minute  metal clay play!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh how I'd love to go, but one day soon.