Friday, July 4, 2008

Weekend Eye Candy

Take a look at my beautiful new key fob made by Kirsten Skiles of Knitsteel.  Kirsten recently taught a forging workshop at Haystack and this was one of the little lovelies she made while she was there.  I feel a bit like I was there too.  Her blog was filled with such wonderful imagery, I just had to have a bit of the magic myself.  And I needed a new fob.

Who knew?! Flickr has groups that gather images posted by other Flickr members.  One of these groups recently contacted me to include one of my hollow rings and that's how I discovered them. Take a look at the collection of great jewelry images they've compiled.

Have a safe, sane and rockin' 4th of July - or 14th of July in advance depending on where you live!


Anonymous said...

Alright, now I want one...

Lora Hart said...

Well, go getcherself one girl. Really, It;s so much more beautiful in person.

lk said...

Saw work of yours on 18k which intrigued me to link to your blog...happy to find you! I also see you found Kirsten's work...I'm a fan. It is truely unbelievable that this is steel she's pushing around.(I learned a lot from her at Haystack)

Lora Hart said...

Hi LK,

You took the class at Haystack? I'm so jealous. I bet it was fabulous. Kristen is such a wonderful artist.

Do you speak Catalan? And live in Spain? Nice to *meet* you too.

lk said...

I got a lot from Kirsten at Haystack...came back to make a lot of changes in the studio, with more to come.
OK, now I'm going to take all the romance out of speaking Catalan and living in Spain...........
I live in southwest Wisconsin, arting in a rescued pighouse.