Friday, September 25, 2009

Welcome to the Carnival...

Image via Pablo Alto

Step right this way... Each month a group of jewelry artists use their blogs to get together online and answer the same question - each in their own way. The topic this month is:

Motivation: What’s inspiring to you about designing and working with jewelry? What excites you enough to create a new item?

Well, at the moment I'm totally motivated by the Master's Registry projects and my wonderful Mad Skilz team mates! It took me a while to find my voice for the first project, the stilt riveted brooch. I posted sketches and the clay model of the first version. But after firing it - I was less than enthused. So it was back to the drawing board. And I'm really loving what I came up with. So much so that I think I'm going to use the same theme throughout all of the first level projects. Unfortunately you'll have to wait a year to see it! ;-)

I like the idea of each section of the Registry (there are 5) having it's own *voice*. And using the same basic idea will force me to explore, examine and expand the design, hopefully creating unique pieces that all speak to and compliment each other.

My usual creative modus operandi is motivated by my students - developing classes that I think will be interesting and challenging. I haven't really been very motivated to create for myself in a very long time. Sometimes my mind sparks with ideas and designs, but actually sitting down and getting out the tools can be another thing altogether. Frustrating to say the least.

Thoughts don't usually flow seamlessly from my brain to my fingertips. Thinking up a design is an effort. Of course I think everyone else's path is easy, organic and faultless - but deep down I know that those kind of creators are few and far between. Design *should* take effort. It should be mindful and deliberate. Even if one is a slap dash, seat of your pants, wing and a prayer, found object, new age artist. A point of view is always the best starting point. I'm working on narrowing my focus, dialing in on what is most interesting to me and trying to come up with designs excite my brain to delve deeper.

What about you? What inspires to create a design, come up with a new technique and perfect a method? See what the other carney's have to say about motivation and creativity.

1 comment:

Wendy McManus said...

Lora - It's incredibly encouraging to hear other artists state (admit) that their design process is an effort. I guess the trick is to make it LOOK easy in the finished piece!