Monday, September 21, 2009

One A Day

I have a show coming up the first weekend in November at the Contemporary Crafts Market in Santa Monica California and I need to replenish my stock. At the same time I'm trying to market my classes and work on projects for the Master's Registry to say nothing of fitting in some time for playing with the new kittens. That's a very important task you know. ;- )

They sit on my feet as I work. Sweet.

And since I have so many components laying around waiting to be transformed into lovely treasures, I've decided that whatever else I do in a day - I must make at least one finished piece of jewelry. That means I'll have at least 30 new things to put on my table (allowing for a day off here and there).

Curio Necklace #3

This piece is made of a reproduction of a vintage Maltese Cross I found at the swap years ago, a little fine silver corno that I formed with the tail end of a package of clay and a small, red rock (which I drilled) that a dear student of mine brought back from a trip to Australia. The chain was attached with a watery blue Kyanite. I still haven't decided whether to patina it or not. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

lovely necklace...i personally like pieces that have been patinated

Chocolate and Steel said...

Make it black! I like it a lot and the black would make it more dramatic - a little more like you (not that you're a drama queen or anything!)

Sue said...

Patina for sure.

Vickie Hallmark said...

Patina, patina! I'm all about patina lately.

The cross is already patinaed, so the rest will blend. Lovely!

I love the one piece per day idea. Baby steps work.

Susan DIlger said...

Patina! YES! It's certain. Good luck!~

Anonymous said...

I say patina! So your babies love to sit on your feet and keep you company as you work! How wonderful! They are so sweet! Keep up the steady work for your table!

Zoe Nelson said...

I agree... patina away! Sounds like you've set yourself an easy-to-achieve goal of one per day. Way to go!

Delia Traister said...

Well . . . I would not patina it - and I am a day late, what did you decide?

Thank you for the 'plan' on how to fit things in. Your insight was particularly timely.

My biggest challenges are staying caught up with the various venues for marketing I have chosen and keeping track of the calendar etc :)