Monday, May 17, 2010

Deadlines and Determinations

Hello. My name is Lora and I have a problem. Unfortunately there are no 12 step programs to help. I am a perpetual procrastinator. Not sure when I developed this nasty habit, but I do remember my Mother forcing me to stay up all night to finish a report when I was in elementary school. Not sure I had even started on the project. I was planning on getting up early in the morning to do it (procrastination to the unth power), but nooooooo..... I think I finally put my head on the pillow at about 3 am. Poor little girl.

A MUSEing Tease

I've been socked away in my studiolo for the past week completing my next Master Muse tutorial. And I looove it. So sad I had to send it away. So relieved to have it done and in Tonya's capable hands. So nice to do absolutely nothing yesterday. So glad I taped "Spotless Sunshine of the Eternal Mind" to watch when I had time. It was great.

But my misery is not at an end! I have a big show the first week in June. What is that? Two weeks away? And I only have about 5 things to put on my table! So the next two weeks will be jam packed with making, firing, assembling, polishing and pricing. Just like a real jewelry artist. Arrrggghhh! At least I do have a couple of concepts for what I'll be creating. I'm excited to have them leave the dark confines of my imagination and burst fully formed into the light of day.

I'd like to think that perhaps this truly last minute mess I've gotten myself into will help me to change my ways, but I fear that this old habit is too ingrained to allow me to just say no. Le sigh.


TesoriTrovati said...

My name is Erin.
And I am a procrastinator.
What?! There are only two weeks left in May?!
I am in big trouble.

Enjoy the day!

Thomasin Durgin said...

That's me, too! Don't worry, you know you'll get it all done in time as you always do. I hope it's a great show!

Cherylyn Gnadt said...

I always thought I was a procrastinator, but actually I love to start things, and move on to the next when it doesn't go my way. So I'm a perpetual non-finisher. Good luck getting all you wonderful creations out of your head for a great show. Look on the bright-side! Hey, you have two weeks not just an evening, right? :)

Vickie Hallmark said...

Hey, it could be worse -- you could be, like me, both a procrastinator and injured! Less than three weeks until Bead & Button and I am in big trouble.

Also, at least you, juror that you are, don't have to make last minute photos to send for the PMC Guild Annual. ;-)

Lorena Angulo said...

You will make it Lora ! ;-)

Lora Hart said...

Au Contraire mon amie Vickie! Not only am I a juror (which is going to break into my creating time allowance), but I too have to send something to get photographed for inclusion in the Annual! They do have piccies of the juror's work you know. And yes, I have no work for that either! Le faint!