Monday, May 19, 2008

Add it to My Wish List...

Image via Jeffrey Rutzky

I have three different supply catalog wish lists. 

• One is for stuff that is actually needed but I'm waiting to compile a full order before I make the purchase

• Another consists either of duplicates of something I already have but would like to upgrade to a better quality version or things I don't own yet, would like to add to my collection but can't afford

• And finally I have a list of fantasy tools. Tools that I used in a class I enjoyed but don't really have room for and wouldn't use anyway (a hydraulic press comes to mind); those that I categorize as "cute" (a mini magnetic tumbler; a mini kiln that costs as much as a full size kiln; a mini lathe/buffing station that might actually fit in my apartment - even though I'm perfectly happy polishing with my Foredom) or tools I've read about that seem so cool I just want them. I want to play with them and create beautiful things with them and earn accolades from my peers and win awards. 

I've recently discovered a new tool that fits nicely into the last category.

Corollarium Argilla Argenteum - Dauvit Alexander

I took my own advice from the post entitled "Go Ahead, Make My Day" and spent some of my weekend hours going through each and every one of Dauvit Alexander's 1,251 Flickr photos. Not only that, but I read all the comments and descriptions of each and every photo.  I had a little time on my hands.  I got to a set called PMC Flowers in the Technical collection and stopped dead in my tracks.  I'd seen the project he made the flowers for before, but didn't bother to look at the process shots.  To create a particular design element Dauvit cut up PMC Paper/Sheet into little, tiny flower shapes and layered them together to create dimension. The result was lovely.  What I didn't know until I read Dauvit's comments is that he used a tool called a Craft Robo to cut them all out of a single sheet of Paper.  

Robo flowers

This miraculous machine will snip stickers, paper, magnetic sheet, and evidently metal clay into whatever shape and configuration you can dream up.  In other words, it can cut small, intricate shapes in just minutes which would be very difficult or mind numbing to do by hand.  Just imagine the possibilities. Design and easily cut completely original and unique sheet/paper embellishments. Use Mylar to create elaborate templates for slip printing or clay cutting dies. Make unbelievable pop-up elements.

At 15" x 6.3" and just about 5 pounds this little table top cutter may very well fit into my "cute" category.  It uses regular letter size media and has a registration mark sensor so you get perfectly aligned cuts every time.  It's a spendy dream machine at around $300.00, but the price may be right for the perfect project.  


Kirsten said...

I saw that price and thought to myself - It's ONLY $300! I'd enjoy that for simple non-profit stencil craftiness!

But I'm not going to buy it either, not now anyway.

Lora Hart said...

You may not buy it now, but I know you're dreaming up designs to make with it. Hence the wish list. I've put myself on a new toy moratorium, but gee.. it's such a cool tool.

Angela Crispin said...

There was a thread while back on the yahoo Metal clay group about the craft robo and his flower photo steps. What I didn't know is what a wonderfully funny, witty person he is ! WOW, those photos are wonderful and sooo funny. I can see how you spent time looking at *all* of them. Those amazing jewelry pices with the rusty parts are too cool. Too fun and well made ! Love it ! Thanks for getting me back there to discover his many talents !
(I'd love to have that gadget too, BTW ;o) )

HappyDayArt! said...

it is so cool!