Saturday, May 10, 2008

Go Ahead, Make My Day!

So, first  a little bit of  backstory.  I'm a former Luddite and a Luddite wanna-be-again.  I don't know about all these social networking things on the net.  I figure they're for the "young" people who grew up with the computer.  But when I was updating my Class Schedule blog (look for the link on the right) I wanted a way to put examples of class projects up so students would be excited about what they would learn.  I decided that a Flickr badge was just the thing, so of course I needed to open a Flickr account and actually post some of my photos.  Well, it was much easier than I thought (although I'm still not clear about the whole tag thing) and I'm really pleased with the way the badge turned out.  I even made one for this blog.  It's over there on the right and when I have enough blog photos for the magical Harry Potter type badge, I'll change it to that one.
So anyway, how surprised and pleasantly pleased was I yesterday when Christen Olivarez from Belle Armoir e-mailed me to say she had seen the photo of my chain on Flickr and invited me to write an article for the magazine!  Okay.  Now I'm convinced.  I guess strangers do surf all these sites.  I guess it is a good marketing tool.  I guess you can teach a middle aged dog a new trick or two. Huzzah!
I thought I'd continue with the Weekend Eye Candy theme I started last week.  This time let's have a look at some folks who totally understand the social networking sites.  I found out that Etsy has groups (I told you I'm not familiar with all the newfangled happenings on the web).  Well, I found this great blog by one of them.  It's going into the link list, but I wanted to feature it here too. Take a look at all the links to the members sites to see their inspirational work!

Another artist I'm really impressed with is Dauvit Alexander. He's a most amazing metalsmith who works in both metal clay and traditional metals. There are over a thousand pics on his Flickr page, so I know you'll be very happily occupied this weekend. (edit. Although Dauvit used PMC paper flowers to accent his "Corollarium argilla argenteum", most of his work combines iron and found objects with traditional metalsmithing.)
And may I take this moment to say Happiest of Mother's Day to all you mother's and daughter's out there!  Without our Mom's where would we be?!

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