Thursday, June 12, 2008

Senior Status

It's official! I'm a Senior... Citizen.  Got my AARP card in the mail today.  When did I get so old? Well, at least I get cheap dinner at Denny's.  Gotta be grateful for something.


Angela Crispin said...

You sneaky trickster !
What do you mean "Senior" at 50 ???? Is that how it goes in the States ?
And, for those of us abroad,what does AARP stand for ?
I could guess, but I'd come up with something like "American Aardvarck Road Patrol", could be true, but I don't think there are many anteaters in California for you to patrol (or maybe it's a rising fad ?). So, since it doesn't have an "S" for senior, what does it stand for ?

Lora Hart said...

It's the American Association of Retired Persons! No lie. Gives us old folks discounts to movies and dinner at crummy coffee shops as well as tips on health insurance and other important stuff I'm not quite ready to avail myself of. Go to to read more about it if you're really interested.

Susan Dilger said...

I'M a member by virture of my husband's age, and that's my story and I'm sticking with it! We saved several hundred dollars on a trip to Europe once, so it IS worth being a "sub-geezer" as my Hubby likes to call it!

Anonymous said...

I say "Send it back!"


Lora Hart said...

Would that I could Catherine!

Angela Crispin said...

I fit into your "urban wildlife" post without even knowing. :o) Hey, aardvarcks or not, who cares right ? As long as it allows for discounts ! Better than eating ants ... and if it gives discounts to Europe maybe it's time you come and visit ;o)
I promise I'll go to their website and sleep less ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Cut it out... 50 is the new 25. Ok, so maybe more like the new 30.