Friday, March 6, 2009

Weekend Eye Candy - Body Shots Edition

I love photos of jewelry taken on the body. I'd love to add some to my Etsy shop, but I have no "models" who live close enough for my eclectic shooting schedule (I usually shoot on my bed, in front of a window at 8 in the morning). And I'm not sure a pic of my work on my own body would entice anyone - seeing as how I seem to have acquired more than the usual allotment of chins (when did that happen?).

What do you think? Are you more likely to buy something if you see it worn? Think about it as you're enjoying a loverly weekend.


Beth Cyr said...

beautiful eye candy indeed!!! gorgeous pieces from some of my favorite ladies!

Lora Hart said...

Hey Beth! I didn't know you visited my blog. How nice.

Yes, many from my long time fav's and quite a few from new fav's too. I like this edition a lot too.

Ruth said...

Don't like to see earrings on other people that I am thinking of buying/wearing....and some times the people/body parts are distracting from the jewelry. Yet nos. 5 and 9 probably look much better on the people however than photographed flat.... Nice collection.