Monday, August 10, 2009


Well, unfortunately neither Victoria, Nina Dinoff (haven't heard from Nina Gibson yet) nor I got around to the OAW after all. If they had, I would have spent the day completing mine. And since  neither of them are available next week either, I'm viewing it as a sign. The One A Week challenges are over until the spring. :* (
WIP - including a little corno charm I made with the last little scraps of the lump.

But that frees up my time to really and truly start working on the Master's Registry! Woo Hoo. :- ) Donna Penoyer and I are going to begin on the first project together and then Tonya will join our cyber support team. D and I have decided that the first project is to be the Stilt Riveted Brooch. I've made lots (4) of stilt riveted beads, so this should be a snap. But maybe I shouldn't jinx myself with too much self confidence. The project I was going to do for the OAW was to be a prototype for another of the projects, so I might lobby for that one next. No hints.

Today I'm working on a few pieces for my new Swotch line. Some for the shop and some to hold for the Contemporary Crafts Market in November. I'm also sending out a couple of surprise prezzies to a couple of lovely ladies... just because. They've made an impact on my life and they deserve a little som'in som'in.  And I may very well go get myself a new TV too. That danged digital converter box is worth about what I paid for it. Government discount and store sale included. Naw, not even the ten bucks I shelled out are worth the frustration of having to adjust the antenna every single time I change the danged channel!

Hope you have a wonderful day.


kait said...

Always sad to see a great project go on hiatus, but as someone who's tried OAW, I must say how SUPER IMPRESSED I am at how long you guys stuck with it this round!!!!! It takes a lot of discipline and creative energy. BRAVO! Perhaps I can work things out to join in again in the spring.

On to the new: I am super excited about your new Swotch series! Lovely, lovely lovely! One of the first things I thought of was some carved stone seals that we saw at the Louvre, but very updated and modern. Super excited to see where this goes for you!

Nicola said...

Whoop! I just signed up for the masters registry too, I can't wait to see what you all produce :D
Nic xx