Saturday, August 29, 2009

Weekend Eye Candy - Emily Watson Edition

One of my very favorite Flickr contacts is Emily Watson. Her eyes see mundane objects like clay concretions, ancient smoking pipes, and rust patterns which sparks her imagination to reinterpret them, creating some of the most wonderfully inventive and whimsical jewelry I've seen.

Emily works with Faux Bone™, plasticized wood, enamels, and silver to carve her miniature sculptures. The mix of these materials and the shapes she draws out of them combine in a way that both surprises and delights me.

Let's see if Paige, Michelle or Christine have concocted their Eye Candy's this week.

1 comment:

Paige said...

Lora, Thank you for sharing Emily's super cool work. She is so imaginative. I really love this work.

And don't worry I will get my weekend eye candy up today, I promise.