Friday, September 18, 2009

Weekend Eye Candy - Cynthia Del Giudice Edition

I'm particularly enamored of Cynthia Del Guidice's work with fused plastic bags. Who'd have thought that such a common, disposable and earth destroying material could be reconsidered into such soft, sculptural and feminine jewelry?!

And her exploration with patina's is the perfect example of how surface treatment can totally change the look of a piece. Claudia has finished her copper earrings in bright metal, verdigris and deep black and they each have a character all their own even though they share the same simple form.

Let's see if Michelle and Paige have collected some tasty Eye Candy this weekend. I know that Christine has a big, exciting announcement that you won't want to miss!


Ruth said...

Love those bags.

Chocolate and Steel said...

the finishes are all so cool. I want to see more...

Michelle Ross said...

Very clean and strong work! I like that!

Paige said...

Love this work. So amazing. Sorry I have been MIA on the eye candy front, But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...really I can...I'm pretty sure I can...I really hope that's light.