Thursday, October 1, 2009

Weekend Eye Candy - Andy Cooperman Edition

This is Andy Cooperman's photostream in it's entirety. 12 shots of 8 pieces of jewelry. If you count the ring group as a single piece. I'm posting it because I'm hoping it will inspire some of you to explore more of his work.

He's been a hero of mine for a while. His fabrication is absolutely perfection. His use of materials is always unique. His design aesthetic makes me want to know more. To look more closely. At the image I'm viewing at the moment and into my own thought process.

I really love that Andy (or an assistant) started this Flickr page and hope that someday he'll remember it and add more gorgeousness. I wish more of the top jewelry makers whose work we're familiar with through Metalsmith and other magazines would also start their own photostream. If you know any, would you ask for me? ;-)

I'm teaching all weekend, including Friday, so I'm posting early. Don't know if Michelle, Paige or Christine will post some candy too, but why don't you go take a look? And have a creative weekend!


Vickie Hallmark said...

I just love his work! A workshop with him would be at the top of my list.

Susan Dilger said...

One word....... WOW! Thanks for sharing!

Valerie A. Heck Esmont said...

I've loved his work for a long time! Each piece is such an exploration! Thanks for posting newer photos of his work.

kvk said...

You probably already have this, but his website has more inspiring images. The man's a genius for sure.
Thanks for the tasty candy!