Wednesday, February 11, 2009


How did I miss my 10,000th visitor? I looked at my counter this morning and saw that my viewership has reached 10,325! Quite the milestone. Thanks to everybody who takes the time to visit my blog. I'm really quite honored.

Today I want to share a few corners of my little world.  The first photos are of a actual corner of Venice. A lovely homeowner took the time to create a micro park in the parkway between the sidewalk and the street.  The city owns this strip of property, but homeowners are expected to keep it groomed. Hm. It's a perfect place to stop and rest on a morning walk

With a delightful succulent garden (apropos since L.A. is in a drought)

And in my own petite chateau, I like to create a rotating display of found objects on this little marble tabletop that was in the home I grew up in. The bird skull sculptures are by Dee Wilder aka Malodora and the lovely covered stone they're sitting on is by Margie of KnitALatte. The Medusa etching in the background is by Los Angeles artist Mario Calvano.

This assemblage includes a family dictionary, an antique wooden doll that I've owned since I was a teenager, rusted wire sculptures by Carla Trujillo and a wonderful pendant by Glasgow jeweler Dauvit Alexander.

much better picture on Flickr

much better picture on Flickr

I really need to paint my walls don't I?!  This horrible apartment paint does nothing to enhance my beautiful artwork.


kait said...

I love seeing the little corners of your world! Your out-of-doors corners sure look different from mine these days! (well, they're probably pretty different even in summer, I guess ;) )

Clever Endeavor said...

Congrats on reaching a new blogging milestone, thats great news!