Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I love my job!

I had two great classes this weekend and wanted to share what my Saturday students made!

Clockwise from the Paisley: Stephanie, Cara, Ellen, Janice, Rachel, Esther

The name of the class was Pierced and Riveted Pendant. First they carved a pink Speedball Speedy Stamp with whatever design they wished and used it to emboss the clay. Then when the pendant was dry they pierced out some of the design and we fired. Afterwards it was riveted to a piece of hammer textured copper.

I'm so proud of them all. Such professional looking work on a brand new technique! I'm a lucky teacher.


Chocolate and Steel said...

Those look great. That is a very difficult project.

Anonymous said...

And they are lucky students. What a great project. A lot of different techniques, focused so it was doable for students. I'm always amazed by what my students come up with too. PMC is such a wonderful medium for expression. I'll have to post my students creation on my blog. Wonderful idea. Great job by all.