Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mr. Clean Takes a Break

This past Sunday was our local PMC Guild meeting. I have to say I wasn't realllly looking forward to it. Polymer clay artist Kathy Davis was going to give a demo on sculpting faces. I wasn't excited about it because I'm not an "ART" type artist and had never sculpted before. And I didn't think it was something I'd do in metal clay. But I went just to see folks and 'cos I really like Kathy. She's a great gal and always does a wonderful presentation.

Well, my friends shamed me into taking a bit of their Super Sculpy and giving it a go anyway. And didn't I just surprise myself!!! I actually think my guy came out very well. He's actually kinda cute too. When he started out I thought he looked a bit like my Dad, but now he's the spitting image of Mr. Clean. A little older version maybe. I need to get him a hoop earring.

So another thing learned. Never pass up a chance to learn something new and always take a creative risk. You might be pleasantly surprised!


Ruth said...

I love him! Wish I could have taken the class too! Hope you'll do a silver one too!

Sue said...

He's great! And so totally un-PC with the smoke hanging out of his mouth - I love it.

Anonymous said...

That is really fine!
(does he do windows?)
: )