Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Glad to be Dragged!

What is now many moons ago, I was dragged kicking and screaming into the age of the internet. I had no idea what I'd use a computer for. And was equally scared that I'd just waste my life surfing around looking at odd facts and histories. I've been known to get lost in the dictionary (or the encyclopedia back when everyone had a set in the house) for hours after having "just one little thing" to look up.

The first computer I got was an ancient Apple that someone was giving away. It used to take about ten minutes for the page to change. I'm not kidding. I could get up, make lunch and eat it before the site I had wanted appeared.

Now I don't know what I'd do without one. There are definitely times I get lost in the maze of my cyber world. Surfing blogs, going from this one to that one; looking up just one book and spending hours reading about other titles and going back again and again to Facebook to see what folks are up to. But social networks have turned out to be such great addition to my life. Through FB and Flickr and even Etsy I've either met wonderful, new contacts (as they are known) or expanded what were brief relationships with folks I've only interacted with once or twice IRL. Many of my new friends are talented, giving and a fabulous inspiration to me.

Vickie Hallmark is one of those whose cyber friendship I cherish. Talented, smart (sometimes intimidatingly so), supportive and a wealth of information. I'm so proud of her for doing all she does and how well she does it.

Recently Vickie used the internet (that thing I didn't know how I'd benefit from) to produce two fabulous books of her work. And they're gorgeous! So glad I ordered them. "Birdwatching - a metal clay adventure" is a picture book that shares not only stunning photos of her metal clay, glass and copper birdie themed beads and jewelry but also includes some delightful avian quotes from authors such as Emily Dickinson and Langston Hughes. "Copper On, Copper Off" is an in depth tutorial on the process of electroforming, the method of creating a copper surface on virtually any object using chemicals and electricity.

Vickie created the books at Blurb. Another site whose "pages" are easy to get lost in. I've been thinking of making a book of my own work to take to galleries and just to have on hand. Thanks for the introduction Miss Vickie!


TesoriTrovati said...

I think you absolutely should make yourself a Blurb...I have seen them and bought them and they are a great option. I don't do a thing with metal clay (I would love to but the one class I took was a disappointment and I still have this half finished ring gathering dust...somewhere!). I actually have bought books like this for inspiration, I might have to check these out!
Thanks for sharing.
Enjoy the day!

Vickie Hallmark said...

Oh, Lora, you have me blushing furiously here! FYI, you were one of the first serious blog friends who made me realize what blogging could really do for me: inspire and connect me to far flung artistic siblings.

You definitely should do a Blurb book of your own. It's a fascinating exercise to line up your body of work and see how it all works together, and to realize that you have done more than you thought.

Lora Hart said...

Oh, Vickie - I love the thought of having artistic siblings! How lovely. So glad we're blog brothers! (blog sisters didn't quite feel the same and I'm not a genderist).

Angela Crispin said...

Vickie does absolutely beautiful work. The books look lovely, and this copper one, enticing ;o)

Yes, and what would I be too without a computer ?? Living in the coastal boonies so far from all you creative artistic siblings (I LOOOOOOVE that!). So joyful to include you in the family (and to be able to talk live on Skype now and then! Beats amateur radio any day ;o)))

You both rock !