Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I thought I could, I thought I could....

I'm rolling happily along with the Ring A Day project. Kind of. I made all of these shanks while at a play date at Michelle's house; later in the week I made and fired all the metal clay components, and finally soldered the rings together later that same afternoon. Finally this morning I patinated them, took photos and posted to Flickr.

Whew! That was a lot of work, but not really in tune with the theme of making an entire ring per day. My goal was to make a silver ring a day in February, but I realize that I was a bit aggressive in my thinking. I want to make things I can actually sell at my show in June and am not that interested in using my meager supply of sterling and metal clay to make 30 one of a kind experiments - no matter how entertaining, elucidating or educational it might be. So I think I'm back to found objects while throwing in an all silver/metal ring every now and then.

As far as the Month of Earrings challenge started by Vickie Hallmark is going... it's not. I did great for the first five days, using components I already had fired and turning them into jewelry - but now I'm stumped again. I think the next play date (Monday) will find me making components again.

And hey - did you know that over 50 rings are being auctioned off on Ebay to benefit the survivors of the Haiti earthquake. One of mine will be too if I ever get off my butt and send it to the organizer. Read more about it!


KristiBowmanDesign said...

Love these rings Lora! That's what I like about Vicki's Month of Earrings, you actually have much more than a month to accomplish it. Today might be the day I don't post a pair, we'll see if I can scrounge something up when I get home from work. I can't afford to make something I can't sell either.

Ruth said...

But then if you sign up for rings and earrings...no wonder you can't do a silver ring a day!!! Crazy lady!

Thomasin Durgin said...

I love these rings! and thanks for posting the link!