Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Aluminum/Steel Contamination Test

As promised for the readers of Metalclay, silly pictures of my latest earrings.  It wasn't an intentional test, but I recently experienced an anomaly that has been reported before concerning aluminum or petroleum contamination in combination with metal clay. Textured PMC was formed and allowed to dry on a steel dapping punch which produced small brownish areas leading me to believe that either the metal or a protective oily coating applied by the manufacturer contaminated the clay.  I decided to fire the elements as a test and indeed, there were slight blistery blemishes where the discoloration had developed before firing.  I finished, polished and patinated the earrings and will wear them myself so I can tell if the contamination created any structural defects.  I really like them though and will definitely add this style to my line. 


Angela Crispin said...

Those are absolutely too cool !!!! I wish I'd made them !

Lora Hart said...

Thanks Angela! Me too. Oh yeah. I did. Silly thing.
L ~