Tuesday, May 26, 2009

OAW Listens!

Okay. I'm a slug. Actually I'm just so busy with getting ready for the CCM that I didn't have the energy to come up with something for punk or reggae. I fell back on Celtic. 

Metal clay on top, pierced copper on the bottom. All riveted together. Not sure about the Vintaj chain. Might change it out for patinated silver. What do you think?

Experimental Music - inspired by the Theramin! You know, the instrument that makes the scary saw-like music used in old horror movies?

Rock and Roll

And aren't these fabulous? Check out Alissa to see her piece and who made what!


Anonymous said...

Great pieces! I too think yours will look great with a patinaed silver chain.

Lora Hart said...

Thanks Sandra! You're always so sweet to me!

I like the shape of the chain links and think they go really well with the design of the silver focal - but the color *is* a little off. Still thinking.

Chocolate and Steel said...

i love it! I think the whole thing works great together. The sort of spiral design and the cutouts. will this be in your shop?

Vickie Hallmark said...

Looks great! Can you shift the color of the Vintaj chain a bit with patina? The shape IS really nice with this piece.

Lora Hart said...

Christine - It'll be in the shop if it doesn't sell at the CCM. Everything is waiting for that now.

Vickie - I might try experimenting with sanding a bit of the finish off, but it's already as patinated as it can be. Very dark brown. But once the copper oxidizes maybe it won't be as noticeable.

Sue said...

Possibly the world's first Theramin jewelry! I have a friend who plays one - it is the trippiest instrument ever. It's used at the start of the original star trek theme song, for those who are not familiar with it.

Ruth said...

Nice - Miss Rivet! Good to see those copper rivets tying in the back ground. Like it!