Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Are You Ready?

Project Sample #1 - Fold Over Bail with Dichroic Glass and CZ

Yes I'm Ready... Well, almost. Gettin' there. For my first Level One Certification class.

These are some dichroic cabochons I'm bringing for my students to use in one of the projects. I bought them at a bead shop. They're really pretty, but a bit pricey so I think I'll take a class and learn how to make my own. There's one coming up at San Gabriel Bead Company in October that I can actually make since it's on a Tuesday night. If it had been Wednesday, I'd be teaching a class of my own, so I lucked out.


I'm making lists, trying to figure out an agenda, trying to remember interesting tidbits to include in the introduction, wondering if I should incorporate Robert Dancik's habit of using a singing bowl and talking about a favorite car or movie at the start of a class. Robert believes that it encourages the left brain to take a breather and the right brain to gear up and get ready for creativity. I love it when he takes the time for this, but not sure it's really true to my own personality. It really helped me focus though, so maybe I'll try it. Or adapt the basic idea to fit my style.

I have a few more samples to make before Friday.  If I can, I'll give you a sneak peek.

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