Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm Having My Head Examined

I really should have done this post this afternoon.  I should be getting ready to go get an MRI on my brain.  They're looking for teeny tiny lesions that might tell them I've been having little silent strokes.

For those of you who might not know, I had a minor stroke on the 4th of July in 2007. Fireworks in the sky, and fireworks in my head.  It was pretty scary, but had completely resolved itself in 5 days. Folks were amazed when I told them I was downstairs doing laundry the following Sunday.

Anyway, I'm having some vision problems and although I have an appointment with optometry in December (that's public health care for ya), they want to take another look inside.  I had a CT scan, an MRI and a spinal tap when the stroke happened, and then last week before the foot surgery I had an EEG on my eyes and now another MRI.  Boy, someone out there knows the real me REALLY well.  Good thing.


Sue said...

Yikes, I hope everything turns out ok Lora!

Kirsten said...

You know, another friend of mine is going through the same thing, same symptoms and everything (cept he's a guy.) I do hope everything turns out well and that the docs can find the right meds to prevent future strokes.

Lora Hart said...

Aspirin seems to be doing the trick fine. I have no extenuating symptoms from the stroke and really was fine 5 days later.

Thanks for your good wishes!

Anonymous said...


I hope all ends up well. ;-$